Index of Debian 'woody' packages for SPARC


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Debian 'woody' packages compiled with sparc v8+

Suitable for use with HyperSPARC and UltraSPARC processors

Warning: due to security updates, these packages are out of date!

i18ndata_2.1.3-20_all.debWed Apr 10 06:32:00 2002 1062028 bytes
libc6-dbg_2.1.3-20_sparc.debWed Apr 10 06:32:01 2002 2495566 bytes
libc6-dev_2.1.3-20_sparc.debWed Apr 10 06:32:01 2002 2371616 bytes
libc6-pic_2.1.3-20_sparc.debWed Apr 10 06:32:02 2002 745636 bytes
libc6-prof_2.1.3-20_sparc.debWed Apr 10 06:32:02 2002 1055580 bytes
libc6_2.1.3-20_sparc.debWed Apr 10 06:32:02 2002 2081246 bytes
locales_2.1.3-20_sparc.debWed Apr 10 06:32:03 2002 2284148 bytes
nscd_2.1.3-20_sparc.debWed Apr 10 06:32:03 2002 36622 bytes
openssl_0.9.4-5_sparc.debThu Apr 11 01:09:49 2002 284948 bytes
ssh_1.2.3-9.4_sparc.debThu Apr 11 04:40:34 2002 270716 bytes

Index generated Wed Apr 10 07:21:04 2002